Ok, taking a plunge and looking at this Svelte thingy

Ok, taking a plunge and looking at this Svelte thingy

I need some UI/UX for demos. I am postponing it a lot. But the demos are missing that slick feel. I have to cook something up really fast.

I started working on a Desktop application using Rust and Tauri framework a while ago. Even though the backend (Rust) parts are progressing well, UI is lagging. Tauri website's getting started guides are nice. One of them is about Svelte as well.

Previously, I built documentation sites using Docusaurus. But to add any interactivity to the documentation or blog we need to understand React, JSX, and MDX. Even though I am capable of making changes to React-based projects with my practical knowledge(I created some plugins for Backstage and VelaUX), currently, I cannot afford to spend time on heavy-weight UI frameworks like React. I need something simpler and more approachable. Eventually, I have to build a slightly more complex UI, not just a documentation site.

After reading about Svelte being the most loved framework and easy to learn and performant, I spent the last couple of days learning and understanding its ecosystem.  Indeed, it is very easy to develop UI components in Svelte. But as with any new and upcoming technology, it lacks resources, guides, and standard frameworks. I did a quick but decently comprehensive enough tour of the modern UI/UX development ecosystem yet again and decided on using a set of the below-listed tools along with Svelte for now. I will create a detailed blog about the setup in a follow-up.